Our love story
With some help, Rael arranged their first holiday together in Italy for 2020.
The pair ventured off on their holiday with Danielle completely unaware of the big surprise he had planned.
On the first day of their holiday Rael asked Danielle where she would like to go and she wanted to see the Trevi fountain. Rael went white and was a bag of nervous sweat, he was aware he had to complete his mission in front of so many people, but agreed to go, Danielle was still unaware of what he had planned.
The pair arrived at the fountain where Rael got down on one knee and said the famous words “Will you marry me”.
Danielle couldn't hold her excitement and said “Yes” straight away.
Originally Rael was planning on proposing with a ring that was generously given by his grandparents, but shock horror no ring!!
In typical Rael fashion he had forgotten to pack it before leaving for the airport (Danielle knew where the ring was in the house as she had been keeping an eye on it before they left, to see if he was going to ask for her hand in marriage).
After Danielle said yes the pair went on a hunt to find an engagement ring. They found the perfect replacement in a jewellery shop 3 doors down from their accommodation, the pair picked up the ring and celebrated for the rest of their holiday.